Meet Our Members

Alan "Wilbur" Wilkinson joined the Infinity family in 1989.
Wilbur has been a familiar face across the South of England in his role as part of our fantastic delivery team.
He lives in Brighton with his lovely partner "Mouse" and lights up every Infinity gathering with his eccentric range of shirts and remarkable dance moves.
Commuting to work every day from the sunny beaches of LA (Little’ampton), Gill Stephenson has been with us for 25 years.

A born and bred Brightonian and big live music fan, Rachel Bellos began her Infinity career in 2021.
Her background working with the Woodcraft Folk movement and running an ethical clothing company has made her a perfect fit.
Phil transferred to the warehouse team in 2021 from the shop, for an undisclosed fee.
His history with the business however, remains shrouded in mystery, with some claiming that he was already
in the building when Infinity moved into the site in 1973. Phil disputes this claim.
He now lives a happy life, making aesthetically pleasing pallets and pottering in the garden with his delightful twin daughters.

Dynamic delivery duo Mandy and Lucky are out on the road bringing you Infinity goodness every week.
Mandy has been with us since 1997, but Lucky is a newer member of the team.
His wages consist of scratches and tickles.
This is a one-off arrangement and not appropriate for all employees, so please don’t ask.
John Holder has been a valued member of the Infinity team for over 25 years. Introduced to us by a Brighton and Hove Council employement support scheme in the summer of 2000,
his big personailty quickly helped make him part of the family. After a brief hiatus during covid, he is now back to making his regular viisits. Sadly, John supports Manchester United,
but he never lets that dampen his spirits. These days, you’ll usually find him in the Goods-In office, doing portraits of his colleagues. They are, AMAZING.